Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Skinny Skillet and Cardio Killer

That's the pessimistic way to look at it.

I prefer to be an optimist and see it like this:


Today I have a yummy dish and a killer workout for you!

Skinny Steak and Veggie Skillet

10 oz of flank steak
1 small package of baby bella mushrooms, washed and chopped
1 cup of dry brown rice (cook according to package directions)
1 bell pepper, chopped
1/4 large white onion, chopped
2 roma tomatoes, chopped
1/4 cup minced garlic
3 TBSPs Green Curry 

Saute all vegetables together in a skillet.
After rice is cooked, stir in curry.
Chop steak and cook in a separate skillet, once its done and the vegetables in and the rice. Season with any flavors you'd like, I added some Mrs Dash Southwest and Cumin.
Could add cheese as an option.

This made enough for the hubs and I to have two meals out of it, so a total of 4 servings. They were very filling meals too!

Now to burn some calories..

This baby will work all parts of your legs and get your heartbeat a racing!

This will get you a good sweat going and work your large muscle groups which will up your calorie burn!!!

How are your resolutions going?

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to have to try that dish! Thanks for sharing
